Happy Christmas!
It is a time of celebration as we gather with friends and family during this magical time. Although, this year feels a little less magical, a little more difficult as I am missing someone very special. When grieving during the holidays one way to cope with your loss is to allow yourself to have those waves of sadness. Let the feelings arise and just try to watch them with curiosity. Don't try to stop them just let them happen. Notice what is coming up. Breathe. Breathe again. Let the feelings drift like clouds.
One good way to celebrate your loss on the holidays is to talk about the person who has passed to other family or friends about the past holidays spent with them. A favourite memory is always welcome.
Don't let anyone tell you to 'get over your grief'. This is your grief and your time and it will take as long as it takes. It is okay not to be okay for as long as you need. Be kinder to yourself during days when it is especially difficult.
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