Thanksgiving Blues

As I continue my grief journey, I find this holiday weekend particularly challenging.  Even armed with the knowledge that the holidays are often a trigger does not provide an emotional immunity in order to deal with what is arising.


The tendency to fight which arises is natural.  Choosing distraction activities such as a run -particularly useful especially if you are not a runner.  Then, running makes you focus on the breath by necessity.   Also, being super busy Marie Kondo your cupboard/basement whatever... I did try this, and while it is satisfying cleaning up an area the messiness that is created in the interim is enough to drive one to utter madness.


Perhaps we should just be with what is arising.  But there has to be a way to do this in a kind way so you are not in a constant state of turmoil.   If you sit and meditate and just watch and label the emotions.   Sadness, sadness , sadness then just adopt a curiosity about what is happening.   You can also try to not dredge up your most painful grief memory.  This is a time to go easy on yourself and see literally what comes up and then, let it pass.

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